Residential PVs, batteries, heat pumps & EV chargers and Commercial single- or multi-vector heating systems

Optimise flexibility utilisation & production planning

First phase focus

Manage battery storage (A) & communicate aggregated data from commercial CEMs (B)

Asset control & Communication

Control home battery and PV by extending the existing Energy Management System installed with the intelligence provided by the Customer Energy Manager (CEM).

Aggregate data from available CEMs and transmit it to the Heat and Power Utility’s Production Optimisation System.

Customer services

Develop different optimisation services for the household such as increased self-consumption, peak shaving and load shifting

Improve heat and power production planning by considering heating demand, thermal inertia, available flexibility as well as price signals

Ancillary services

Integrate batteries in a distributed storage network to deliver FCR-D (Frequency containment reserves-Disturbance, up and down) and FFR (Fast Frequency Reserve). Use the CEM to optimise the cost for the consumer based on current and predicted prices for FCR-D and FFR, weather forecast data and household energy behaviour.

Pilot management & participants

Involving household prosumers & commercial sites

Pilot manager A
CheckWatt - Energy Service Provider and Aggregator
Pilot manager B
Mölndal Energi - municipality-owned energy company
Single-family houses
Commercial building manager

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