The project is structured in seven work packages (WPs) with a number of tasks. The WPs cover development (WP2-5) and validation (WP6) activities as well as general management (WP1 ) and impact creation (WP7) activities. Each WP is led by a partner with support from other partners, either as task leaders or contributors.
WP1 entails the overall management of the project, including ethics and data management. It is led by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland as Project Coordinator.
WP2 covers the design of the software framework, from use cases and requirements to architecture, integration and ecosystem building. The WP is led by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.
WP3 covers development of a Resource Manager Catalogue with an interoperability layer to heterogeneous flexible assets, a modelling pipeline for accurate and robust modelling of the flexible assets, as well as services ensuring their optimal control. Finally, an interface module of the Resource Manager Catalogue is implemented as an EN 50491-12-2 compliant interface, also known as S2 interface, for Customer Energy Managers to interoperate with the Resource Managers. The WP is led by Institut “Jožef Stefan” JSI.
WP4 deals with the Customer Energy Catalogue and the implementation of a common flexibility management interface with secure data management, and provision of customisable services for automated consumer flexibility management and user interfaces. The WP is led by European Dynamics.
WP5 deals with the integration to the energy and flexibility markets, including management services, data and service marketplaces, customisation tools and business models for Customer Energy Manager solutions. The WP is led by Athens University of Economics and Business.
WP6 deals with the validation and replication of Customer Energy Manager solutions at pilot sites and at a larger scale. The WP is led by Smart Com.
The objective of WP7 is to ensure that the project has the greatest impact possible by support of communication, dissemination, cooperation and exploitation. The work package is led by CheckWatt.